Resources for parents

The careers programme from year 7 through to year 11 is designed to support students’ next steps when they leave us following the completion of their GCSE examinations. Every student is legally required to be in education, employment or training until the age of 18. We heavily support students in transitioning to their next destination. A few examples are below:

  • Developing an understanding of different careers, particularly those pertinent to their local area, throughout their school career
  • Providing frequent opportunities for students to meet with employers and post 16 providers
  • Providing a mock interview with an external employer or provider in year 10
  • Taking them on trips to attend taster days at local colleges and 6th forms
  • Inviting visitors in to speak about apprenticeship opportunities
  • Scheduling careers guidance interviews for all students to help them understand what courses will support them in pursuing their interests
  • Providing a work experience week in year 10
  • Providing application support in year 11
  • Releasing them to attend college interviews

As parents/guardians, your support is paramount to ensure your child moves on to an appropriate destination that adequately supports their needs and aspirations. Students must begin completing their application forms in the autumn term of year 11. They are strongly advised to submit multiple application forms and to accept multiple offers so that on results day, depending on their grades, they are able to confirm a destination they are happy with.

Useful Careers Links for Parents

Please see below links to very useful information and opportunities to support your child’s post 16 next steps.

My Choices – Event Brief (for StudentsParents)

  • Amazing Apprenticeships have created a parent pack giving you comprehensive information about apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships Pack

A Parent’s Guide to your Child’s Future

Careers Advice for Parents

An excellent website offering advice and information on all aspects of careers and how you can support your child.

Parental Guidance