Designated Safeguarding Lead Team
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Mr S Beeston
Designated Safeguarding Lead
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Mrs S Beech
Deputy DSL
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Mr M Cross
Assistant Headteacher
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Miss K Lee
Associate Assistant Headteacher
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Mr M Bridgewater
Pastoral Leader
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Mrs J Sims
PRIDE Support Manager
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Mrs L Gatford
Stockland Green School holds the safety, health, wellbeing and welfare of its students as paramount. We are committed to safeguarding and work together to ensure that our students thrive in a safe and supportive environment, whatever their age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual identity or gender. We place high expectations on all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment. All staff receive regular training in relevant Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and are kept up to date with changes in legislation and practice.
The school is proactive in its work with outside agencies to safeguard children and young people, any intervention and support is timely and right for individuals and families. The school works with external organisations to promote safeguarding themes within the school. These themes are also promoted through the curriculum, pastoral systems and assemblies. We place a high emphasis on developing positive behaviour which contributes to learners feeling safe.
We are dedicated to ensuring that children and young people are valued, respected, listened to and taken seriously especially with regard to their safety and wellbeing. The school encourage young people to report concerns and we endeavour to provide support while encouraging individuals to adapt safe and responsible practices. As part of this commitment we have become a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School. Please see our Rights Respecting page for more information.
The school has a team of designated safeguarding leads who have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training along with all members of the Leadership Team.
Stockland Green School is committed to keeping our students safe, both in school and the wider community. As part of our safeguarding arrangements, we have a two-way information sharing agreement in place with West Midlands Police, and we are also active members of our local constituency Police & Schools Panel.
The agreement is compliant with Crime & Disorder Act 1998, Data Protection Act 2018 – 2021 Update and United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR); and focuses on preventing young people from becoming involved, or further involved, in crime and anti-social behaviour (as either a victim or offender) or those who have been reported as missing that may be vulnerable as a result.
This joint approach helps us to intervene early; provide additional support, and share up-to-date safety messages with students and their families/carers. If you have any queries about this partnership work please contact one of the DSLs listed above on the school number (0121 566 4300).
Stockland Green School Safeguarding Policy
Stockland Green School Mental Health Support
Useful links for families