
The school’s examinations officer is Mrs Johnson.

She can be contacted via telephone on 0121 566 4300.

Pupils are now able to collect their exam certificates from reception between the hours of 10:00 and 14:30 only.  They should be collected in person by your child, and they must sign for them.  

Please note – we cannot post the certificates or release them to anyone else.  

Note: We are only obliged to retain the certificates for a period of 12 months after this time replacement copies are only available from the Exam Board at a cost of about £50 per certificate.  Once collected, please keep them safe.

Please refer to the policies, downloads and notices on this page for guidance regarding examinations at Stockland Green School. Further information can be accessed from the links below.

Further important information

A list of Exam Boards and subjects can be found by clicking here.

Exam schedule 2024/25

This year exams will be held on the following dates:

Trial exams:

Year 11 – WB 4th and 11th November

Year 11 – WB 24th Feb and 3rd March 

Year 10 – WB 23rd June and 30th June

Summer GCSE Exam Season: 

Year 11 – 8th May – First day of the exam season

Year 11 – 18th June – Final day of the exam season

A copy of the Summer 2025 exam timetable can be found by clicking here.

Your child will be provided with a copy of their individual timetable in due course.  Nearer to the start of the exams they will have a further copy that shows their exam room and seat details.  It’s important that they keep this safe and know where they are going for all of their exams.

These exams are run in line with JCQ regulations and it is important that pupils understand the regulations and abide by them.  More information can be found by clicking here.

For Summer 2025, the contingency day, in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom, is 25th June.  Students should remain available up to and including this date.

Information for pupils

Information about exam rules, JCQ regulations as well as useful tips and guidance can be found by clicking here.

Exam policies

Our exam policies for 2024/25 are currently under review and will be published here shortly.